Monday, 17 September 2018

Spring/Summer Inspiration

The making has been slow the last couple of months but the change of season has me considering all the beautiful things I want to add to my wardrobe.  

With a week at Sewjourn coming up fast, I wanted to put together a plan (of sorts) so that I could sew with a purpose.  So here are my inspiration boards for spring/summer.  The first board is more for the office and the second is more casual, but pieces will cross over from each because I like my clothes to work hard.

All photos via my pinterest boards
It's ambitious, and I don't have exact pattern matches, but I think that might work better for me.  There's no self-imposed pressure to sew all the things but there's enough structure that I don't waste time wondering what to sew next.  I've already picked out several items that I want to make so watch this space.  Actual completed projects coming soon!

all photos via my pinterest boards

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