Thursday, 31 March 2016

McCalls 6886 T-shirt dress

My girls rarely ask me to sew for them, so when Georgia found this fabric in Spotlight and asked if I'd make her a t-shirt dress I was only too happy to oblige.

I was up against a deadline (we were flying to Fiji) so I decided to use a pattern rather than trace off a t-shirt and make my own.  In my opinion, when it comes to sewing Erica Bunker can do no wrong, so when she had great results with McCalls 6886 I was happy to go with it.

This is view A in a size 8 with the deeper neckline of view C.  I removed 4.5 inches from the length and added a neckband to finish the neckline.  I could easily have used the size 6 but Georgia requested a slim, but not tight, fit.  I think we got it just right.

This was a pleasure to sew, it was so simple and the shape is great.  I can see several more of these in the future both for the girls and for me.  Georgia's only request was for the skirt to be pegged next time.  

We only got back last night and we're already missing the sunshine, warmth and slower pace of the Islands!  On the bright side it's time to start planning and sewing my winter wardrobe - first cab off the rank will be some new jeans.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Love that last pic! How nice that she asked you to make her something - I do wonder when my boys will not be so keen on my homemade items. The dress looks fantastic. I've made it up recently too and yes it is a great pattern and a perfect dress for Fiji!