Wednesday, 25 March 2015

My top three for autumn/winter

I loved the responses on my last post about what you were planning to sew next, it really got me thinking about my own plans.
I dug through my stash for inspiration, grabbed a note book and pen and started making a list.

It was a great list, but there were way too many items.  I'd be lucky to have a total of five hours a week for sewing so there was really no way that I was going to be able to make 20+ things.  I thought about splitting it into work and casual priorities and making a list for each, but in the end I decided it would be much more realistic to aim for three items that I would really love.  So here's my top 3 for autumn/winter...

image Via Closet Case Files
I have worn my current jeans so much I can actually see through the fabric on the backside - they're not going to last much longer.  Also I have had the same style/pairs for many, many years and I am completely sick of them.  The sew-along looks fantastic and I've loved every version of the Ginger jeans I have seen.  I want some of that goodness for myself. 

Grainline Archer
Archer Button Up Shirt
image via Grainline Studio
Curiously - I have no shirts in my wardrobe. I had a white tuxedo shirt in rotation for over five years but it's no longer in a state fit to be worn out of the house.  I really need a classic white shirt and again the Archer has had great reviews.

I hit buy on this pattern the day it was released - I love it.  With the amount of outdoor sport my kids play I need a good coat.  I have fabric and toggles in my stash and can't wait to get started on this one.

I might also have bought fabric to make Vogue 8926 :)  I was inspired by the picture below on pinterest and I'm considering this one my bonus!

image via pinterest
So that's my top three, plus one, for autumn/winter.  If I can make all these I will be absolutely thrilled.


fabric epiphanies said...

The top 3 are on my list too. I really want to make the duffel coat and will definitely be making jeans although probably Jalie and for this winter I will give the Archer a rest and make Sewaholic Granville.

I only get a small number of sewing hours each week and these fall between 7-10pm when I have the energy although I have taken the week after Easter off work to spend some time with my youngest....yay some daytime sewing time as well!

Paola said...

Great choices for winter. I practically live in jeans, but have never made a pair, but with so many nice Gingers going around, I just might make a pair too.

Carol said...

I'm thinking about shirts this season, too. I have one that I made about 5 years ago as part of a travel wardrobe. I've not heard of Grainline so I'll take a look at those. Thanks!

Sharon said...

The perfect pieces for winter and I can't wait to see the Grainline Cascade Coat.