I started this post by writing out a big list of all the things that have been keeping me busy - and then I deleted it all. We're all busy and at the moment life's busyness is enjoyable, even though it leaves very little time for sewing :)

I need to say a very big thank you to Rosi who blogs over at Rosi Button, she's making some very gorgeous maternity wear at the moment, and Gabrielle from Up Sew Late who is making me want to create my own pair of green linen shorts. Rosi nominated me for the Liebster Award and Gabrielle passed on the Primio Primavera Award.
While it's lovely to receive an award from a fellow blogger - who doesn't love a pat on the back every now and again - for me the best part of the awards is discovering new (to me) blogs. A little extra inspiration never goes astray. Here's where it all went pear shaped for me. Every blog that I was going to pass the award on to had already received either one or both of these recently - so if I may bend the rules slightly I'd like you to nominate a blog that you find inspiring/fun/addictive. I'll list any responses at the bottom of this post and hopefully we'll all come away with something new to read.
OK I have to post 11 facts about myself and answer 11 questions - I'm going to be completely unoriginal and use Rosi's questions. Here's more than you'll ever want to know about me!
1. When did you start sewing and what introduced you to sewing?
All the women in my family sew (even my Dad knows how to sew and he swears he can knit too). Mum made quite a lot of my clothes growing up so there were always fabric scraps to be played with and turned into Barbie clothes, but I started garment sewing once I reached high school.
2. What other crafts do you do?
Aside from garment sewing I like to quilt and I used to do quite a bit of cross-stitch when my girls were smaller.
3. What do you look for in a sewing blog?
Someone I can relate to, someone I feel like I could have a conversation with IRL. I love bloggers who are willing to share their failures as well as their successes, because we all know how depressing a wadder can be. A sense of enjoyment - sewing and blogging are supposed to be fun :)
4. Who is your inspiration?
I find the whole blogging community incredibly inspiring, the little windows into other people's lives can really open up your mind to different possibilities.
5. Do you have a bizarre talent?
I wish! My kids on the other hand...
6. What's your favourite thing to sew or create for yourself or others?
I love making leggings for my girls - they're quick, they love them and they get worn until they fall apart.
7. What have you always wanted to sew but haven't yet, and why?
Bras and bathers, they've always intimidated me but I'm tackling them this month.
8. What is your favourite thing you've ever made?
I think my favourite would have to be my bleach boys dress - love the fabric and the fit of the dress.
9. What's something you like to treat yourself with?
Books. I love to read, but once I get started I get really grumpy if I have to put it down.
10. What was one of your favourite things growing up?
Our annual beach holiday in Torquay - loved it.
11. Where would you most want to travel in the world and why?
I have a whole list of places I'd like to visit but at the moment Hawaii is really calling my name. It looks incredibly beautiful.
- I work in Local Government but you won't find me leaning against a shovel!
- I have four brothers and one sister.
- I prefer solids to patterns.
- I love action movies and rock music.
- I prefer bubbles to flat wine.
- Put any sport on the TV and I can happily sew for hours.
- I'm an introvert and I'm quite happy with my own company.
- I'm a dog person.
- I'm 183cm (6 foot) tall and I love to wear heels.
- I once stayed in the bath for 4.5 hours reading a book - I looked like a prune when I got out :)
- I smile every time I walk into my sewing room.
A new to me blog that I am enjoying at the moment is http://kbfield.blogspot.com.au/
I like reading these sort if posts because I like seeing the similarities between people's lives. It is interesting that a lot of sewers, me included, tend to be introverts. I am with you on the sports. My most productive time of the year is rugby season. I envy you your sewing room. My space is very disjointed being spread right across the house.
I liked reading more about you Robyn! and good luck with the bathers and lingerie :) I wonder if you will become as addicted as me, and be unable to go back to rtw!
And I thought I was tall (1.75m)! Loved reading more info about you, congrats on the rewards.
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